Tag Archives: UFO


I am way overdue for updating this list. It was November 2021 the last time I posted it. There were 72 items on the list then. There are only a few new WIPs from 2022, bee blocks, a project that I didn't finish in time for the SAQA Benefit Auction, and a set of 4 mini compositions from a class last October that just need to be finished up. The good news is that the projects I've started in 2023 so far have both been finished.

The Numbers

  • 19 quilts from the list were finished in 2022.
  • 13 were purged from my WIP list, passed along to other people, back into stash/scrap bins, or moved into workshop supplies as class samples.
  • 47 quilts currently on the list:
    • 12 are finished quilt tops
    • 12 projects are quilting in progress or just need binding/finishing

I've rearranged my list to be in order of oldest to newest. I'm currently working on two of these projects, so I hope they will be quilt tops soon. Some quilt tops are being held on to specifically so that I can quilt them when I get my new longarm machine in the latter half of 2023. I think in the case of some of these older projects at the top of the list... I need to fish or cut bait. (Pun intended.)

After you scroll through the list, I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments... how do you feel about WIPs/UFOs? How many do you have? What is your oldest one? What catches your eye in my list?

The List

  • Ocean quilt for my daughter (2012?) - fish need fusing.
  • La Passacaglia (2014?) - not much progress
  • Patchwork City (2015) - blocks complete.
  • Purple Royalty quilt (2015?)
  • Quartered Log Cabin (2016) - piecing in progress.
  • Rainbow Remix (2016) - piecing in progress, recent progress has been made.
  • Swoon (2016) - all but one block finished.
  • Rainbow Chain (2016) - blocks finished.
  • Floating Squares (2016) - piecing in progress.
  • Tula Pink City Sampler (2017) - blocks complete.
  • Variation of Planned Improv: Scrappy Squares, Wall Hanging (2017) - just needs binding/facing.
  • Playing with solids project from Tara Faughnan class (2017) - piecing in progress.
  • All About Angles in Cherrywood Blue Lagoon (2017) - nearly a finished quilt top
  • Second All About Angles in Cherrywood Blue Lagoon (2017) - blocks/units complete, leftover from above.
  • All About Angles in Cherrywood Meadow + Indigo (2019) - piecing in progress.
  • Round Robin Medallion (2019) - finished quilt top.
  • Pink Curves (2019) - no real plans for these two blocks... maybe a two-sided pillow.
  • Mosaic Mystery (2019) - piecing in progress.
  • Trinket (2019) - 9 of 40 blocks complete.
  • Beads On a String (2019) - finished quilt top.
  • Mini Mini Star from Sewcialite Sew Along (2020) - finished quilt top
  • 9-Patches (2020) - finished quilt top?
  • Monochromatic Improv Maximalism (2020) - blocks/slabs made by Solid Seven bee members.
  • Tic Tac Toe (2020) - finished quilt top.
  • 6 Personal Symbols Mini Quilts (2021) - quilting in progress.
  • Quilt Connection Lap Quilt (2021) - finished quilt top.
  • 5 Green Improv Mini Quilts (2021) - finished quilt tops?
  • Turquoise/Yellow/Orange Improv (2021) - blocks complete.
  • Fantastic Fusion (2021) - blocks complete.
  • All About Angles in Alison Glass Kaleidoscope (2021) - piecing in progress.
  • Green Stripes bee blocks (2021) - blocks complete by bee members.
  • Improv Triangles in Blue (2021) - piecing in progress.
  • 12" x 12" mini quilt (2022) - quilting in progress
  • Improv Sawtooth Stars (2022) - blocks completed by Quilts Unscripted bee members
  • 4 Mini Mid-Mod quilts (2022) - just need finishing

Thanks for looking! How do you feel about WIPs/UFOs? How many do you have? What is your oldest one? What catches your eye in my list? Drop your thoughts in the comments and sign up for my newsletter so you can follow along with what I finish next!


Welcome to my stop on Bobbie's UFOvember Blog Hop. I shared an intro post with the list of everyone participating in UFOvember at the beginning of the month and a few days ago I shared a list (with photos) of all my WIPs. (I realized today I missed one, so it's been aded to the list.) I find that knowing what all the projects are helps me make decisions about prioritizing what to work on. This week folks were resuming a UFO. "Pick up a UFO right where you left off, get it done, happy ending!"

With a newly updated list "in hand" for the first time in over two years, I began working my way through the quilts that just need binding, focusing on the little ones first this month. So I'm happy to share eleven finished quilts with you for my stop on the hop. These mini quilts were all quilted and trimmed, so I spent time this week making and attaching the binding on each of them.

Typically, I bind my quilts with double fold bias binding by machine. But the bulk of double fold is a little much for a tiny little quilt, so I followed Quilting Jetgirl's lead to use single fold binding for my mini mini quilts. I used her Binding Mini Mini Quilts Tutorial as a jumping off point and adjusted as I needed. Most notably, I decided on 1 1/4" wide strips for my binding, because my batting is very low loft.

So now, a little quilt parade. Nine of them are artist trading card sized, 2 1/2" x 3 1/2".

And these two are the big ones, 5 1/4” x 2 3/4” and 4 1/2” x 4”.

These were such a fun way to play with my tiniest scraps of solids using my Scrappy Slab technique. I teach my Creating a Scrappy Slab workshop for guilds, offer it as a lecture/demo presentation on Zoom for guilds, and have an on-demand Creating a Scrappy Slab class available for individuals.

In all of my planned improv work I set parameters for myself. This series started out as monochromatic and built only from my little scraps of fabric. I'd initially been thinking to make them business card sized, but settled on the 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" artist trading card size, which made them roughly playing card sized.

Here's a peak at the backs.

Thanks for visiting! Be sure to check out the full list of UFOvember blog hop participants. So far folks have shared their UFO inventories, including tips for keeping track of yours, and their plans and finishes resuming some of those projects. In the last two weeks of the month we'll hear from people who are reworking and rehoming their UFOs. Lots of good stuff!

Have you resumed work on a UFO lately? Tell me about it in the comments!


It's UFOvember so I'm updating my dormant list of projects. I lovingly refer to them all as WIPs. They aren't forgotten, unfinished projects that will never see the light of day. They are works in progress, albeit some in a state of hiatus.

Friends, this list is LONG. If you've been reading my blog for a while you'll know that I always tend to have a lot of projects in progress. An "eyes bigger than my stomach" kind of problem. But this is a lot, even for me. And since a lot of them are little, the number feels even more daunting. An upshot is that 12 of those projects have been completed from the last iteration of my list back in October 2019. But, you'll see many of those older projects appear again here. (Though most have updated photos and I've made significant progress on ten of them!) And there's a whole lot of new stuff, due in part to classes I've taken in the last couple years and in part to excitement over trying something new in style or color.

I struggle a little with how to organize a list of this magnitude. I've tried to add the year the project was started if I know, if the year includes a question mark, I've made an educated guess.  I've also decided to take the numbering off the list. This is really more about me tracking the state of each project and less about how many projects there are. (I'll save you the counting and put the total number at the bottom of the post.) I've also decided to only include quilting projects here. At the moment, I don't think I have anything in progress in the way of bags, garments, or yarn. Some intentions, but nothing started.

So I hope you have a comfy seat and a cozy drink... scroll on, my friends.

Just Need Binding

  • 11 Mini Mini Monochromatic Scrappy Slab Quilts (2020)
  • Mini quilt inspired by Ellyn's photo (2021) - Ellyn's photo, used with permission:
  • Waterfall Quilt (2018)
  • Scattered Squares (2018)
  • Variation of Planned Improv: Scrappy Squares, Wall Hanging (2017) 

Quilting In Progress

  • 6 Personal Symbols Mini Quilts (2021)

Finished Quilt Tops

  • Hanukkah Morewood Mystery Quilt (2020)
  • Quilt Connection Lap Quilt (2021)
  • Round Robin Medallion (2019)
  • Island Batik Bear's Paw (2019)
  • Laura Wasilowski Workshop Project (2021)
  • Burger (2020)
  • Watermelon (2020)
  • Tic Tac Toe (2020)
  • Beads On a String (2019)
  • 5 Green Improv Mini Quilts (2021)
  • Mini Mini Star from Sewcialite Sew Along (2020)
  • 9-Patches (2020)
  • Crosses and Strips (2020)
  • Rainbow Skinny + (2020)
  • Rainbow Curves (2020)
  • Blue & Green Curves (2020)
  • Tiny Green Triangles (2020)

All Blocks Complete

  • Quartered Log Cabin (2016)
  • Rainbow Remix (2016)
  • Monochromatic Improv Maximalism (2020)
  • Tula Pink City Sampler (2017)
  • Turquoise/Yellow/Orange Improv (2021)
  • Patchwork City (2015)
  • Fantastic Fusion (2021)
  • Ocean quilt for my daughter (2012?)

Piecing in Progress

  • Swoon (2016)
  • Rainbow Chain (2016)
  • Improv Log Cabins (2021)
  • Floating Squares (2016)
  • Mosaic Mystery (2019)
  • All About Angles in Cherrywood Blue Lagoon (2017)
  • All About Angles in Cherrywood Meadow + Indigo (2019)
  • All About Angles in Alison Glass Kaleidoscope (2021)
  • Trinket (2019)
  • Purple Royalty quilt (2015?)
  • La Passacaglia 
  • Playing with solids project from Tara Faughnan class (2017)
  • Green Stripes (2021)
  • Pink Curves (2019)
  • Fabric Challenge (2018)
  • Improv Triangles in Blue (2021)
  • Improv Slab (2020)
  • Geese & Polygons (2020)
  • Purple Prism Play

Cut, Not Pieced

  • Planned Improv: Scrappy Squares, large scale
  • Katie P-M class (2021)

Fabric Pulled

  • Macaron Mystery (2021)


There they all are! There are 72(!) projects in this list. Two projects from my 2019 list are MIA, but I think I may have passed those projects on to the philanthropy/charity group in one of my guilds. If they turn up, I'll add them back into this list. Some of these may be rehomed. And Saturday I'll be back to share as many small finishes as I can muster this week.

My goal is to repost this list regularly, though I'm not sure if I'll do that quarterly or just twice a year. I've missed having the updated blog post of projects the last two years.

It's currently UFOvember! Hop over to my post from the beginning of the month to see links of the daily posts. The first week is all folks talking about their UFO inventory. Many have shared tips or tricks for keeping track. I'd love to hear what you do to keep track of your projects in the comments.

Thanks for visiting!