Author Archives: sarah

Thank you to Northern California Quilt Council and Southern California Council of Quilt Guilds for each hosting Meet the Teachers events this week. It's a bit like speed dating for quilt teachers. We each have 3 minutes to share about what we teach to guild representatives in attendance. The best way to stay in touch with me and what I'm teaching and creating is to subscribe to my newsletter.

My workshops are a bit of a choose your own adventure and a whole lot of fun! Students are encouraged to play while learning new improv piecing techniques. And I pack in tips and tricks along the way. I have lectures about color, 100 day projects, and improv piecing. I'd love to visit your guild on Zoom or in person.

If you've made it to my website because you're interested in having me teach or lecture for your guild or group, please check out my Teaching Page. You'll find descriptions for all my workshops and lectures and can reach out to me in email to start the conversation so I can answer any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks for visiting!


For March, Emily asked us to make improv Sawtooth Stars and to set them within our choice of improv pieces to make blocks approximately 8" x 16". And she asked us to use some pink.

The first thing I did was to sew an improv Sawtooth Star (my favorite traditional block). I couldn't decide on just one pink, so I chose a variety of pinks for the star with a pop of yellow, all set in a turquoise background.

Then I got to work on some improv piecing. I started with this row of pink squares. This is the playful stage of improv where I have no preconceived plans and I'm just putting parts together.

I decided to angle my irregular sawtooth star in my larger block and added sections to each side of it. Then I used my strip of improv squares to add to the top and bottom. I continued to build out from there until I got up to approximately 8" x 16". I'm excited to get this block in the mail to Emily.

P.S. Quilts Unscripted Bee now has an Instagram account. Please follow if you'd like to see what everyone is making for the bee.

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I'm having a wonderful time connecting with quilters and enjoying quilts here in Raleigh, North Carolina. I'll share more photos and stories once I'm home.

I'm giving two lectures while I'm here, Rules and Options of Planned Improv Piecing and Building a Color Palette. Thank you to everyone who is watching live at QuiltCon or from home!

If you'd like to stay in touch, please subscribe to my newsletter.