Tag Archives: bee blocks


Merry Christmas to Ellyn!

Her prompt for the bee this month was to use this bright, happy palette to make three improv, pieced blocks approximately 12 1/2" x 12 1/2". She also requested we include a triangle(s) in each block. These Kona colors are Bright Pink, Orange, Duckling, Chartreuse and Jade Green.

I immediately decided that I would do some improv curves. Here's what I came up with.


For November, our prompt from Sarah was to create three blocks in shades of red and green, taking a broad view of what is meant by "red" and "green." She explained, "anything from pink to burgundy, seafoam to olive" and shared her fabric postcard as an example of the wide array of colors to include. Our blocks were to be any size and didn't need to be square (though mine all are).

I sure love color and this was a great opportunity to play with color. I enjoyed putting together different combinations, which is part of the reason why I didn't stop at just three blocks!

As a warmup, I made the 6 1/2" four patch.

Then I made my first 12" block, circular steps.

At this point I mixed and matched my remaining reds and greens and decided on three more blocks. A 7 1/2" pinwheel block. (I feel like it's a weird size, but could be trimmed down.)

Another 12" block, hourglass spin.

And an 8 1/2" sawtooth star, a favorite traditional block.





I have really enjoyed participating in quilt bees over the past two years. I was in Stash Bee in 2015 and both The Bee Hive and do. Good Stitches in 2015 and 2016. Today I mailed off my final blocks and I'll be taking a break from online quilt bees. I have two quilts in progress from my beautiful Bee Hive blocks and have contributed to many charity quilts with my do. Good Stitches blocks. I look forward to finishing my two quilts, one of which I may even keep for myself, as well as seeing the blocks I've contributed over the past months turned into finished quilts by my bee mates.

This weekend I got to work cutting out fabric for November and December bee blocks. I'm excited for them to be on their way.


The first block I made was a Fizzy block for Beckey. I love the color combination she chose. Any time I get to use low volume fabrics, I'm happy. She asked us to use grey, navy and any pink. It's worth noting that this block construction is designed to create a slightly oversized drunkard's path unit for each quarter that you trim down before putting the four sections together. It was fast and easy to construct!


Watermelon Plate

It was such a surprise when Jaime chose an altered version of my Watermelon Plate block for our November do. Good Stitches blocks. Her version features a rainbow, with low volume corners. Here's what she asked for:

Red: 2.5 x 12.5"
Orange: 1.5 x 12.5"
Yellow: 3 x 12.5"
Green: 2.5 x 12.5"
Blue: 2.5 x 12.5"
Purple: 3 x 12.5"
Low Volume: 4.5 x 4.5" (cut 4)


Tic Tac Toe

My final bee blocks for the year were Tic Tac Toe blocks for Tisha, who is making a Halloween quilt for her son. She was the leader and organizer or our swarm for the past two years, so I just couldn't resist making some extra blocks for her. It was fun to pick from my Halloween fabric and reminded me that I really need to make myself a Halloween quilt!


Thanks for visiting! I'm linking up to Needle and Thread Thursday.