In true form, I've finished my monthly ALYoF goal on the last day of the month. A great big gigantic thank you to Sarah of Berry Barn Designs for her inspiration to do a little selfish sewing this month. This king size quilt top is for our bed, my largest project by far. My goal this month was to finish the quilt top by sewing at least 30 minutes a day. You can see my progress through the month: week 1, week 2, week 3, and the finish below!The pattern is Puzzle Box by Tracey Brookshier. The AWESOME purple ninja fabric is by Robyriker Designs on Spoonflower. I was so appreciative to Elishka when she was willing to edit her design into the correct purples to match my bedroom wall paint. Molli Sparkles helped me find the perfect background fabric (Blueprint Basics by Valori Wells) when he was at Intrepid Thread on his visit to California. Thanks to my sister Jenn for taking these pics of the quilt. I look forward to getting it onto the bed and showing it to you in place once I send it out to be quilted and finish it up. This has certainly been an "it takes a village" kind of project and I really appreciate all the help and encouragement in getting this far. Now to figure out where to have it quilted. Any tips on finding a quilter and questions to ask a quilter are greatly appreciated, as this is my first quilt that I'll be sending out to be quilted.
Linking up to 4x7 Sewing Challenge, ALYoF February finishes, and Stash Bee February Linkup.