If you're new here, maybe you haven't seen my WIP list. No need to click. Spoiler: it's long. ;-) The way this happens might be obvious. I have a lot of things in progress that I love, but something new and shiny comes along (in my head or on the internet) and I think "I want to make that." Can you relate?
That's exactly what happened with the Waterfall Quilt Along. I admired the original quilts as Amy made them. So when she offered the quilt along, I decided to go for it. Do I need a new project? No. Do I have time for a new project? Probably not. Will I stay on schedule for the quilt along? Unlikely. But all I had to do what pull fabric for this project to reassure me that I should go ahead and dive in. All these beauties were in my fabric collection suitcase. (Yeah, most of my fabric is living in a suitcase right now.) Clearly this was meant to be.

Side note: I like to use the black and white mode on my camera phone to easily view the value of each fabric. It helped me get them in gradient order which is especially tricky when the pile has a variety of colors.
We're in week four of the quilt along which means I should be sharing my first three finished blocks in three days. Well, yesterday I cut all my fabric (for a 45" x 54" baby size quilt). Next up is strip piecing (that was week 3). That should go pretty quickly and I hope to have time to sew today. Stay tuned. ;-)

Have you participated in a quilt along? What are your favorite parts? What did you struggle with?