Tag Archives: planned improv


One of my favorite parts of being in a quilt guild (or two!) is attending quilt retreats. The first weekend in November I spend the weekend in the Marin Headlands with SCVQA. It has a spacious sewing space, the food is delicious, and the views are amazing!

The majority of projects that I brought for the weekend were pieces that I wanted to finish in time to share at my Nov. 10 lecture at Amador Valley Quilters. Two of these were finished at the retreat. (The other two I made great progress on and will be sharing them on the blog soon!) I shared my Wonder Full quilt tops back in June. They use my Planned Improv: All About Angles technique in a more regular unit construction. I really like how I took two piles of identically constructed units and made two quilts with such different overall compositions.

These two were the first and third quilts I longarm quilted myself. I've been renting time at Always Quilting in San Mateo for free hand longarm quilting. The pink quilt was my very first one. I opted for a floral and leaf design with large scale motifs and lots of space.

On my second trip to the longarm I quilted the navy quilt. I opted for three different motifs and alternated the designs in each diagonal strip. This led to a challenge as I couldn't complete a strip without advancing the quilt on the frame which resulted in numerous starts and stops. That said, I'm thrilled with the overall look of the quilting. Check out that texture on the back! Between this one and Fandangle Scrappy Squares I am now hooked on the longarm.


All About Angles is my latest Planned Improv workshop. I'm currently working on a mostly blue version with Cherrywood fabrics, using smaller units. And you may have seen my Pantone Ultra Violet version which I finished this summer.


The second night of our retreat I took advantage of the opportunity to go on a short hike with a few other quilters to watch the sunset. The weather was perfect.

Thanks for visiting! Happy quilting!

I've linked up to the Q4 FAL Finishes Linkup.



Fandangle Scrappy Squares is a variation on my technique from my Planned Improv: Scrappy Squares workshop. This piece followed my Modern Batik Scrappy Squares (<-- which will be hanging at PIQF in Santa Clara, CA Oct. 11-14). I shared my quilt top as part of the Fandangle blog hop in July. Last month I rented time on a local longarm to quilt it up and I'm excited to share the finish with you today for TGIFF. (Be sure to scroll to the bottom to link up your projects and visit the other finishes this week!)

I rented time on a longarm at Always Quilting (San Mateo, CA) for the first time... eleven months after taking the certification class. I warmed up a smaller quilt and then loaded this one up for some more dense quilting.

I opted for two motifs, a flame design in the grey background and spirals in the feature squares.

There's something exciting about seeing the full view of the quilt during the quilting process. I did pause on occasion to drool over the beautiful texture.

Just like my FMQ on my domestic machine I strive not for perfection, but for relative similarity in the density of the quilting across a space.

This quilt took me about 2 hours (and 3.5 bobbins) to quilt. It is about 41" x 54". I considered a grey thread that would blend in the background and I'm really happy that I went with the turquoise. It provided such a great variety of blending and contrasting across the quilt top.

I opted for a bit of fussy cutting from my favorite print in the collection to make my bias binding, finished with some machine binding.

I'm so pleased with this finish. I just love the cool palette of Fandangle and really enjoyed working with it.

Please share your Friday Finish in the linkup below and be sure to hop around to view what everyone else has been up to this week! Thanks for visiting!!

I've linked up to the Q3 Finish Along finishes linkup. See my whole Q3 list here.



The thread featured in this post was given to me by Aurifil.

It's the very end of the Fall season of the Blogger's Quilt Festival, hosted by Amy at Amy's Creative Side. My internet came back up with 56 minutes left in the Festival. I figured that was at least enough time to share one of my recent favorites.

I developed my All About Angles Planned Improv technique in June of 2017 and when the Pantone Quilt Challenge came up in the beginning of 2018 I thought it would be a great opportunity to use my technique with a bundle of purple Kona solids that I had in my stash. One of my goals for 2018 was to work more with solids. Here's the palette I worked with.

I finished the quilt top in time to submit it to the "Just the Top" category for the 2018 Pantone Quilt Challenge and was thrilled to receive an award in that category.

It took a few months for me to get back to the project and in August I used the opportunity to try out monofilament thread as my inspiration to finish the quilt with a graffiti quilting free motion mashup. You can read all about my quilting process and experience with Aurifil monofilament thread in this post.

I'm happy to share that this quilt will hang at PIQF in Santa Clara, CA on Oct. 11-14. Linking up to Blogger's Quilt Festival.