Tag Archives: lap quilt


At the beginning of the month I set a goal to finish a quilt top I started eleven years ago. I'm proud to say that with three hours left in the month, it is done! (I look forward to getting it into some natural light for more pictures.)

the front
the back

Proudly linking up to the A Lovely Year of Finishes September Finishes Party and Let's Bee Social.

I'm linking up to Finish Along Quarter 3 Finish Party. Here is my full list of Q3 Finish Along Goals.

Edit: More pictures (taken in natural light) and Candy Shoppe's story can be viewed in my Oct 1 post.


You may have seen my first quilt ever last week on Throwback Thursday. I think this is technically the second quilt I pieced, but the first one I finished. It was a gift for my grandmother, not long before she passed away. I've had it back now for a couple years. And I love it, not only because it shows my beginnings of quilting, but also because I think of my grandmother whenever I look at it.

Like my first quilt, this one comes from the book Quilting for Dummies. Again, I used my walking foot to do some straight line quilting, around the petals and leaves. This little lap quilt measures 36" by 49".

I even made an actual label for the back. It reads:

To Grandma
Made With Love
By Sarah Marie
My Second Quilt

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