I have two more Very Hungry Caterpillar quilts to quilt and bind, but this one is done! It's even wrapped and ready to be gifted.

I've loved this fabric line since I first saw it before I had kids. I've used it numerous times. One of my current unfinished projects is a twin-sized quilt for my son. When I decided to make him a twin sized quilt, I was also at the point that I decided I was beginning to feel done with this fabric. (I've been using it over the past seven years.) So while I was making Fat Quarter Fizz blocks (free pattern from Fat Quarter Shop) for his quilt, I just kept making more. I ended up having enough blocks for an additional small lap quilt and this baby quilt. I even made a doll sized quilt with the leftover pieces when I ran out of blocks. I'm not actually out of the fabric, but this made a very large dent in my Very Hungry Caterpillar fabric stash.

I was inspired by Cynthia's quilting, and used these large spirals, which are rounded corner rectangles on the outside and become ovals in the center. Our motifs are a little different because my centers don't come to a point like hers do... this was just a result of not taking another look at my inspiration when I was actually sitting down to do the quilting. I found this pattern easy to quilt on my domestic machine. There were just a couple places that I ended up with a bit of wonky space and had to fill in with a non-spiral. I don't think I got any shots of those "creative areas." ;-)

I backed the quilt with this wonderful rainbow fabric. I may love the back even more than the front.

Since the front was very colorful and the back is a vibrant rainbow, I opted for a black an white (with a spec of red) fabric for the binding.

I named it Caterpillar Fizz, a nod to the pattern name. Here's my simple label. I attach my labels before quilting, so they're extra held in place by the quilting stitches.

This 36" x 36" quilt is going to a little 6-month-old and I hope he loves it to pieces.

Thanks for visiting!
I'm linking up to the Q3 Finish Along finishes party. See all my Q3 WIPs in my goal post.