Tag Archives: cotton and steel


This is the second mini that I shipped off this month for an Instagram swap. This one was for the Cotton and Steel Mini Swap (#cottonandsteelminiquiltswap) and was my June goal for A Lovely Year of Finishes. My partner said that anything and everything C+S is great, and indicated that she didn't like black. I did some sketching and ended up with this quarter log cabin block design on point which used each of my five feature fabrics in each block, without like fabrics sharing seams. It was a bit of a puzzle. This solution makes the mathematician in me very happy. :-)

If you're familiar with Cotton and Steel and look closely, you might have noticed that I cut the Tiger Stripes and XOXO (navy) fabric on the diagonal so the direction of the pattern would show in its normal orientation with the blocks on point.

To finish it off I did some walking foot quilting, I just started stitching without too much planning in advance.

I had a little bit of an issue with the bias edge of the quilt top, but I'm overall happy with it. I have a second set of these blocks sewn in other fabrics, so I'll try to improve on my technique when I piece the quilt top to alleviate the slightly wonky edge that happened (which I think also caused a little bit of an issue with the backing).

Here's a closeup of the label. It hasn't been received yet, so the great white shark is hiding my partner's name. ;-) (It was shark week at our house, so the shark seemed appropriate for the photo shoot.)


Once again, I received my mini in the swap before I shipped. Check out this pile of awesomeness that Michelle sent me! Those of you with a Tiny Box Zippy, what do you use yours for? It's so adorable! I just love the mini and the texture from her quilting. It's such a beautiful addition to my wall of minis.

Thanks for visiting.

I'm linking up to ALYoF June finishes party.

This finish is one of my Q2 Finish Along goals. I'm linking up with the Q2 Finishes party.