The products featured in this post were given to me by Island Batik.
Welcome to my stop on The Great Outdoors Blog Hop. This hop features projects made from the Island Batik Ambassadors with all of Island Batik's newest fabric lines. If you see something you like, check with your local shop now to see if they are carrying it. My super secret fabric bundle that's been burning a hole in my stash since February is Petting Zoo, a vibrant and colorful line full of animals and animal prints.
I chose to feature the rainbow of prints in my Floating Hexagons pattern (coming very soon! -- be sure to sign up for my newsletter so you don't miss the announcement). The pattern is in three size, and this is the lap size, finishing at approximately 45" x 63". Jungle Animals in Grape Juice is my background fabric. The backing is Jungle Animals in Snowcone with Giraffe in Cheddar.
All of my piecing and quilting were done with 50wt Aurifil thread. I quilted the purple background with a loopy meander. I began by auditioning three Aurifil purples. I do this by laying the thread across the fabric. If possible, I try to mimic the pattern and density of the quilting I am planning. This technique is also helpful in considering different weight threads. I settled on Medium Purple (#2545) -- the middle one.
I wanted the hexagons quilted in colors that blended with each fabric and the quilting motif to contrast the loopy meander in the background. I used my phone to sketch some options for the hexagons. Here are a few I considered.
I chose the star and used my hera marker to mark the horizontal and vertical center of the hexagon to gently guide my quilting. I used quite a variety of colors in my quilting: Aurifil Desert Dawn Variegated (#4648), Yellow (#2135), Forest Green (#4026), Medium Delft Blue (#2783), Spring Green (#1231), Green (#2870), Turquoise (#2810), Dark Violet (#2582), Red (#2250), Medium Blue (#2735), Baby Pink (#2423), and Burnt Orange (#1133). (Listed roughly left to right by row, as used on the quilt.)
Binding was attached using my Machine Bind Your Quilts Like a Pro technique. Here's the full view of the front and back!
Thank you for visiting! Don't miss out on entering the great giveaways on many stops of the hop! ISLAND BATIK GIVEAWAY Island Batik is giving away three Strip Packs in the Rafflecopter below. See their terms and conditions.

Monday, August 6 - All A Flutter - Yellow Cat Quilt Designs, Creative Blonde
Tuesday, August 7 - Birds N’ Bees - Ark Angel Creations, Patterns By Jen
Wednesday, August 8 - Canterbury Manor - Sally Manke, Powered By Quilting
Thursday, August 9 - Eclectic Garden - Desert Bloom Quilting, Sew Karen-ly Created
Friday, August 10 - Vintage Morris - MooseStash Quilting, Devoted Quilter
Monday, August 13 - Safari - Sew Incredibly Crazy, SweetGrass Designs
Tuesday, August 14 - Spring Blossoms - Mary Mack Made Mine, If These Threads Could Talk
Wednesday, August 15 - Victoria and Albert - Bejeweled Quilts, Clever Chameleon
Thursday, August 16 - Wild Things - Freemotion By The River, Kauffman Designs
Friday, August 17 - Petting Zoo - Den Syende Himmel, Sarah Goer Quilts
Monday, August 20 - Ocean Odyssey - Gateway Quilts, The Quilt Rambler
Tuesday, August 21 - British Rose - Busy Hands Quilts, Mania for Quilts
Wednesday, August 22 - Dear William - The Inquiring Quilter, MMM Quilts, Living Water Quilter
Thursday, August 23 - Dragonfly Dreams - Inchworm Fabrics, BeaQuilter
Friday, August 24 - Fur-ocious Friends - Quilting Affection Designs, Dizzy Quilter
Monday, August 27 - Globetrotter - Pamela Quilts, Curliecue Creations
Tuesday, August 28 - Jungle Cruise - Vicki's Crafts and Quilting, Little Bunny Quilts
Wednesday, August 29 - Lavendula - Carole Lyles Shaw, Masterpiece Quilting
Thursday, August 30 - London Calling - Quilt in a Not-Shell, Lizard Creek Quilting
Friday, August 31 - Spirit Rhythm - Steph Jacobson, Whispers of Yore
Monday, September 3 - Sweet Tweets - Kathleen McMusing, Adventurous Applique and Quilting
Tuesday, September 4 - Whatnot - heARTS Creations, Slice of Pi Quilts
I'm linking up to TGIFF, Needle and Thread Thursday, and Finished or Not Friday.
I've also linked up to the Q3 Finish Along finishes linkup. See my whole Q3 list here.
Karen Neary
They really are floating! Great job :)
(Fellow Ambassador Karen)
Post authorThank you, Karen.
Lori Smanski
wow this is lovely. so bright and happy. thank you for sharing today. hmm only one zoo animal? that is tough. I guess it would have to be the Lions.
Post authorMy son loves the big cats as well. Thank you for visiting, Lori!
Vicki in MN
We knew you could do it!! Great quilt.
Post authorThanks, Vicki. If I hadn't also thrown my back out Wednesday evening and been hobbling around yesterday, that would have been better, but I got it done. ;-)
Suzy Webster
Fun! I love the purple background
Post authorThank you, Suzy. I love purple, but don't use it that often in projects. I'm glad that it worked out in this one!
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
I really love getting to see the full view of the quilt and how the colors cascade across the top. The details in the Petting Zoo prints are really fun, and I like the bold grape background and how it lets the bright colors really shine.
Post authorThank you, Yvonne. I love how so many of the colors pair with the grape. I especially love the lime and the poppy (orange) against the grape.
Your quilt is gorgeous, the purple background makes the hexagons shine and stand out beautifully!
I prefer animals to be in the wild and not in a zoo.
Post authorThank you, Anita. It was fun to put together this rainbow version as the pattern was designed to be a two color quilt.
Maryellen McAuliffe
Fun quilt. I love the purple as background with the colors. Very vibrant. I love red pandas, regular pandas, koalas, giraffes and elephants. No snakes or spiders, lol.
Post authorThank you, Maryellen. I love giraffes, too! At the San Francisco Zoo they are in an enclosure with a mix of animals including zebra (and I can't remember what else at the moment). I could sit and watch the giraffes all day.
Your hexagons really do float on that purple. All the colours are so vibrant and I believe that purple is my absolute favourite. Thanks for sharing.
Post authorThank you, Audrey!
Your hexagons really do float on that purple. All the colours are so vibrant and I believe that purple is my absolute favourite. Thanks for sharing. I almost forgot. My favourite zoo animal is the giraffe. I remember seeing my very first giraffe and I wasn't very old. That zoo visit has had a lasting impression.
Post authorI love giraffes, too!
Sharon Aurora
Nice use of this fabric, and I love the backing too.
Post authorThank you. At first I felt the backing was a little wild, but it really grew on me. There is so much fabulous color in it! Thank you for visiting, Sharon.
What a great pattern Sarah. You have been so busy this year!!! Love your Island Batik projects.
Post authorThank you, Bernie. There’s a lot of great, vibrant Island Batik in my midst.
Sharon Aurora
My favorite wild animal is the deer.
Janet T
The Lion! We were at the zoo when the lion decided to be "vocal". It started out as a slow, low "motorboat" sound, then it got louder. Just the low sound made a rumble in the air. The vibration in his roar, low and high, filled the air. You could have been deaf and still heard him. Beautiful and scary at the same time!
Post authorBeautiful and scary is a great description. Big cats are my son’s favorite. Thanks for visiting, Janet.
What a great quilt! My favorite zoo animal are polar bears!
Post authorThank you, Lee.
The colors in these batiks are so vibrant and the designs are fun. Love your hexagon quilt.
Post authorThank you, Teri. The fabrics were fun to work with.
Teri c
My favorite zoo animals are the polar bears.
I think giraffes are so interesting. I love to see them walking around, stretching their long necks. So they are my favorites.
Post authorI could watch giraffes for hours. Thanks for visiting, Jocelyn.
Cindy Shelley
This quilt is bright and cheery. Love the purple.
My favorite zoo animal is the monkeys.
Post authorThank you, Cindy. The monkeys usually have so much personality.
I love to see the giraffes, we went on the special safari ride at Bush Gardens a few years ago for our birthdays. We got to pet and feed the giraffes!! It was awesome.!!
Post authorThat sounds fabulous. I could watch giraffe’s for hours. Stay tuned, I have a much different giraffe print for a project in the coming months.
Laura M
Love the background colour you chose. Really makes the shapes pop. I am an elephant fan at the zoo.
Post authorThank you, Laura. I like the purple, too. It’s nice when things work out. ;-) Elephants were my aunt’s favorite so I always think of her when I see them.
Lovely. The fabrics are fun! Animals in the grape juice, love it. :-)
Post authorKinda funny to think of it that way. Thanks for visiting, Dena.
Melody Lutz
Lions, tigers, cheetahs- the cats, but in an outdoor free range environment.
Post authorYes! Thanks for visiting, Melody.
Anna brown
The colors are so deep and great quilt idea. Tyty for sharing.
Post authorThank you, Anna!
Lori Morton
Oh my gosh! Your quilt is soooo Happy & full of movement!! Very creative! LOVE it!! Love the full pictures of front & back!! The backing has my favorite zoo animal..the giraffe!! :) They are so elegant..and Tall! Wow! Thank you for sharing, and for chance to win your give-a-way too! :)
Post authorThank you, Lori. I love giraffes, too!
Love that purple. Wonderful quilt. Favorite animal, all of them I guess. Lions and tigers and bears oh my.
Post authorThank you, Christi.
This is so nice! I really love the purple background and thanks for the tip on choosing thread colours for the quilting. Thank you for linking up at TGIFF!
Post authorThank you, Izzy. And thanks for hosting TGIFF!
This quilt is lovely. I appreciate how you auditioned the quilting design and threads. It turned out beautifully!
Post authorThank you, Linda. :-)
Kathleen McCormick
Love this pattern and the colors just pop with the background! I like the way you quilted it, too, simple and effective. That phone trick is fun isn't it. I am dying to get the new ipad with pencil to do a lot of these things, but holding off a bit!
Post authorThank you, Kathleen. Quilting was inspired by limited time. ;-) And I've only played with the Apple Pencil once and I totally want one!
Carol Andrews
Hi Sarah. I absolutely love your Floating Hexagons quilt, the Petting Zoo Fabric, with your purple background and the quilting pops!
My favorite zoo animal has to be a giraffe. They are so gangly and yet graceful looking with their life no legs and neck and beautiful eyes.
Post authorThank you so much, Carol. Giraffes are my favorite, too!
Deborah B.
The bright colors pop on the Grape Juice background. My husband would love this quilt as he is attracted to all things purple since the school colors where he is teaching are purple and gold. Thank you for sharing your quilt process. Your quilt is lovely.
Post authorPurple and gold is a great combination. I also love the purple and lime green together. Thanks for visiting, Deborah.
Cheryl Brickey
Great design, I love the floating rainbow on the purple background.
Post authorThank you, Cheryl. I'm glad the purple worked out. :-)
Sarah, you won my heart as soon as I saw that beautiful purple fabric and such a gorgeous design with the animal prints. Great job! Thanks for the opportunity to win!!
Post authorAww, thank you, Brenda. These fabulous prints and colors were so fun to work with.
Cute quilt and beautiful fabrics! This would be such a cute baby quilt! My favorite animal would be the meerkat.
Post authorOh, I wonder if I have enough fabric left to make another in the baby size. Thanks for visiting, Cecilia.
Linda Cartwright
I love the giraffes.
Post authorMe too! Thanks for visiting, Linda.
Anita Jackson
I must say the gorillas never cease to entertain every time I've visited the zoo. They are so dramatic!
Thank you for sharing your quilt. The prints are gorgeous in your design!
Post authorThank you, Anita. The gorillas sure are fun to watch.
Rochelle Summers
A beautiful quilt. I love the way you have highlighted the individual fabrics. I'm partial to giraffes.
Post authorThey are my favorite, too. Thanks for visiting, Rochelle.
Leanne Parsons
This is a gorgeous design, Sarah! I love how well the floating hexagons could showcase any beautiful fabric :)
Post authorThank you, Leanne. I changed my construction for just this reason. Now I'll look for what I can fussy cut next! :-)
Jennifer @ Inquiring Quilter
Just now catching up on my blog hop stops! This is such a lovely quilt! That rich purple is the perfect compliment to the fabrics in the Petting Zoo collection. Great job!
Post authorThank you, Jennifer. It's been so fun to see what everyone created for the hop.
Dione Gardner-Stephen
This is a very fun and playful quilt design - a perfect companion to the feature fabrics. :) And a good way to showcase any fabric line. Well done on getting it finished against your deadline!
We have two zoos in our state. The one I prefer is an open range zoo, where you see the animals from a bus and big viewing platforms.
Post authorThank you, Dione. That sounds lovely. I've never been to a zoo like that, but I think the San Diego Wild Animal Park is similar. Perhaps I'll get down there someday.
Every time I see a new line on this hop I think that is my favorite, but I really think this line is my favorite! Such great colors and prints! I especially like the print on the back. This is beautiful!
Post authorThe print on the back grew on me. It really is a great one. There's so much fabulous color in it. Thank you for visiting!
Lynne MA
What a lovely quilt, and a great way to showcase fun prints! I love seeing the animals on the fabric. On behalf of the entire FAL crew, thanks for participating this year.
Post authorThank you, Lynne. I had fun working with this colorful palette. Thank you for hosting FAL!