This week our challenge was to take inspiration from the colors of the sky, but exclude or use less than 10% of the usual blue. When I saw the prompt, my first thought was sunset colors. I ended up looking through my sunset photos and chose one from a recent trip to LA where I hung out with my friend Courtney while we walked around Manhattan Beach.

I pulled yellow and orange fabrics and the pile sat on my ironing board for days. I didn’t really have a plan. And I am teaching four days this week so I was kind of busy. This morning I taught the first half of Building an Improv Toolbox, my favorite workshop, and one of the last things we did in class was improv blocks with lines radiating from the corners. I teach tomorrow morning so I knew that if I was going to make something for Project QUILTING this week it had to be today. I decided I would use this improv technique. I really wanted to make a composition that had numerous blocks in it, but I knew that I did not have the time for piecing and quilting and binding a larger project so I went super simple. My mini quilt is one improv quilt block, trimmed to about 7“ x 8“ quilted with batting and then pillowcase bound with a piece of backing fabric. It went together pretty quickly, except for the hand stitching to close the top edge.

There were over 225 participants for the first challenge and at the time I'm writing this there are over 150 submissions this week. Click on over and take a look.
Thanks for visiting! I'm linking up on Kim's blog for the Project QUILTING Sky Colors challenge. Congratulations to everyone else who participated in the challenge this week. Next challenge drops on February 4th.
Perfect fabrics, front and back! Love this!
Post authorThank you, Wendy. The oranges feel so out of my wheelhouse, but they were fun to work with. I actually cut out a *bunch* of blocks and only sewed this one, so I have a little kit for myself to come back to.
I love this simple mini quilt that reflects your improv style. Great job getting it done in such a short period of time.
Post authorThank you, Mary! And I was inspired by my 15.2 project for my 15.3 quilt. Everything is an evolution.
Kim Lapacek
simply gorgeous! Beautiful work.
Post authorThanks, Kim!