Yesterday I shared the gift I made for the BAM holiday gift exchange. Today I'm showing off the lovely gift I received from Cheri.
First, she made this adorable Hanukkah gift bag to wrap my gift in. As I declared at the party, this could have been the gift! In case you missed my earlier tutorial post, I'm on a quest to make a bunch of reusable Hanukkah gift bags.
I opened the gift and was a little perplexed. Thankfully it came with an introductory note explaining that it is a magic wallet for quilt blocks. It fits blocks up to 8 1/2" unfinished. I had just the project (that I've been working on for over a year -- wow!) to store in my new wallet.
Here's the inside view. Maybe you've seen the money wallet version of this type of wallet.
(I realize now I didn't follow the directions, but it works no matter which side you place them on.) I put my blocks in...
...closed my block wallet...
...reopened and VOILA! My blocks are nice and secure in my block wallet. Sounds like this is the perfect project to take with me to the next small quilt group meeting. :-)
Thank you so much, Cheri!
I'm participating in the 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge with Cheryl of
Wow, that's really clever and I love the rainbow colors on the front!
Post authorIt was such a unique gift. Thanks for visiting, Emily.