We've dove into triangle blocks this week. I really thought they would slow me down. However, since I work assembly line style by cutting out many blocks in advance this has allowed me to chain piece the step for the HSTs and "snowball" piecing for many blocks, then on my second pass of piecing, I've been able to finish up numerous blocks at a time. It's a little bit slower than the precious blocks, but not too bad.
I'm not so sure about my decision on block 36 to swap out the piece of background fabric for the chipmunk's tail. I really love blocks 40 and 41. :-)
Here's week six of the Tula Pink City Sampler quilt along, hosted on Instagram by Angie of Gnome Angel.
See all the blocks I've made on Instagram at #sgq100blocks and check out everyone's blocks at #100days100blocks2017.
Check out my week 7 blocks.