In June, I paused from posting on my blog or social media to take time to reflect, educate myself further, and have conversations with friends, family, and people in my in-person community. We've come to a turning point of heightened awareness in our greater community of the systemic oppression that faces Black people every day in America.
I don't consider human rights to be a political matter. And I stand with the Black community. Black lives matter. I will do what I can to be the change.
Here is a list of some resources and organizations that I have found helpful in recent weeks.
Ten Percent Happier episodes #252-254
For Kids
Woke Homeschooling - US History Curriculum
The Every Mom booklist - books to start a conversation about race
@ainarasbookshelf on Instagram - book recommendations
Organizations to Follow and Support
American Civil Liberties Union
Instagram Accounts to Follow
Joey Oteng: @drjotengii
Black Makers Matter: @blkmakersmatter
Social Justice Sewing Academy: @sjsacademy
The Atlantic: The Case for Reparations
The Root: A Timeline of Events that Led to the 2020 'Fed-Up'-rising
Quilt Africa Fabrics Online Show
And next week is the Quilt Africa Fabrics Online Show, July 8-11. Click over and follow the link to register for the free event.