Sarah Goer Quilts Workshops and Lectures

I'm currently available to speak and teach virtually for the foreseeable future. You can contact me at to inquire about having me present and/or speak for your guild or shop. Currently booking into 2026 for in-person and virtual events.

Click here for my current schedule.

Click here for more info on pricing.

A note on virtual events: Sarah is available to join your guild Zoom meeting for lectures and lecture/demos. More quilt photos (including close-up views) have been added in lieu of the in-person trunk show that accompanies in-person presentations. Virtual workshops are offered as 6-hour workshops but can be structured to best meet the schedule needs of your guild. Live Zoom sessions can be scheduled for a single day or as two 3-hour session on back to back days or weeks. Sarah hosts the workshop on her Zoom account, and uses live demonstrations using her overhead camera and slides for instruction.


All workshops are suitable for quilters of all levels, whether they have any improv piecing experience or not. Workshops usually have students with varying skill levels and instruction is tailored to the needs of the students. Every workshop is full of tips and tricks in addition to the core content being taught. It is an opportunity for students to learn in a playful environment!

Building an Improv Toolbox (6-hour workshop)

In this fast-paced workshop, Sarah will teach a wide variety of improvisational piecing techniques. Discover how fun and easy it is to create these improv elements for use in your existing quilt projects, or as the start of a new project. Each prompt will be introduced and demonstrated; then time will be allowed for making one or more units with each technique.

How Do I Spell That? Improv Pieced Letters (6-hour workshop)

Sarah will teach a variety of improvisational piecing techniques and show numerous ways to put those skills together to create improv pieced letters. Students should come to class with a short word or phrase in mind that they would like to create. Skills introduced in this class can be used beyond the creation of letters. Join us for an opportunity to play while building your improv skills.

Improv Triangles 4 Ways (6-hour workshop)

Join us for a playful exploration of pieced triangles. Sarah will introduce techniques for piecing four different styles of improv triangles. These are the building blocks for infinite possibilities used individually or in combination with one another. Students may choose to put all their pieces together into a sampler quilt or use the elements they create to finish four smaller compositions.

Scrappy Squares (6-hour workshop)

This scrap friendly 6-hour workshop is a great opportunity to explore improv design with a precision pieced final piece. We’ll follow a set of guidelines involving measurement and specific cutting rules to create the puzzle pieces students will use to design and create their own unique improv slab. Many students leave with their first finished improv slab (approximately 18" x 20"), which can become a finished mini quilt or built upon for a larger project. Quilting ideas will be discussed.

All About Angles (6-hour workshop)

This 6-hour workshop includes cutting and piecing techniques to construct slabs to use as the building blocks for a project of any size... all without any math. Come play with angles in an easy and forgiving way to create a piece with great movement in your design. The class is fat quarter friendly. Students can expect to leave with their first 1-2 dozen units, which can be combined to become a finished mini/small quilt or built upon for a larger project. Quilting ideas will be discussed.

Improv Log Cabins (6-hour workshop)

This 6-hour workshop is your opportunity to try a new spin on the traditional log cabin block. You choose small or large scale. Then play with size of strips, background placement, symmetry and other elements to create your own unique improv log cabin(s). Students can expect to construct one or more improv log cabins in class, depending on the scale they choose.

Creating a Scrappy Slab (6-hour workshop)

Bring your favorite pile of scraps for this 6-hour workshop where Sarah will share all her tips and tricks for stitching your own created fabric. The scrap fabric you create in class can be used alone or utilized in your favorite block or pattern. Students can expect to complete a slab approx. 18" x 22" or larger with time allowed for creating test blocks using the scrappy slab made in class.

Lectures (60 minutes)

My presentations consist of a slideshow and lecture, with Q&A. For in-person lectures, I will also bring quilts to hang and show.

Rules and Options of Planned Improv Piecing (Lecture)

Sarah likes options... but she also likes a plan. This lecture and trunk show will discuss how Sarah uses her planning nature to develop rules for herself which drive her Planned Improv quilt design work. She shares work in a series and shows how she iterates on a design. Sarah explains how she develops a formula for her project. Quilters leave with specific ideas of how to develop a set of rules to guide their improv piecing.

Developing a Creative 100 Day Project (Lecture)

Sarah has participated in numerous 100 Day Projects with varying parameters. She will share her process and experience with these projects, including what worked and what didn’t work for her. Sarah will also share tips for how to tailor your 100 Day Project to suit your life and creative journey, even if you don’t think you have time.

Building a Color Palette (Lecture)

Become more confident in choosing color palettes for your quilts. Sarah loves color and looks forward to telling you all about how she uses color to create dynamic compositions. Through a slide show of her work, Sarah will discuss a wide variety of ways to choose color for your quilts. She will discuss ways to look at your fabric collection with fresh eyes.

Creating a Scrappy Slab (Lecture in-person or Lecture/Demo on Zoom)

Get your scraps out of your scrap bin and into a project! In this lecture/demo, Sarah will demonstrate her techniques for building a scrappy slab from scrap fabrics of any size. In addition to show and tell about numerous projects using these slabs, Sarah will outline a variety of ways for you to use scrappy slabs in your quilting. You will leave this lecture/demo ready to sew your own scrappy slabs at home. In the in-person presentation, Sarah includes step-by-step processes slides as she describes her process. In the virtual presentation on Zoom, a portion of Sarah's presentation includes a live demonstration as she sews on her sewing machine.








