2020 Finish – A – Long


Hello and welcome to the 2020 Finish-A-Long!

The 2020 Finish-A-Long Administrators & Hosts:

Rhonda - Founder & Administrator - IG @rhonda.j.laws

Cami - Administrator - IG @camislero


Marci of Marci Girl Designs - IG @marci_girl

Ella of Throw A Wench in the Works - IG @ellathrowawench

Karen of Capitola Quilter - IG @capitolaquilter

Sarah of Sarah Goer Quilts - IG @sarahgoerquilts

Sharla of Thistle Thicket Studio - IG @thistlethicketstudio

Lynne of Tinking Along - IG @tinkingalong

2020 Finish-A-Long Social Media:

Instagram - @finishalong
Facebook - Finish-A-Long
Twitter - @FinishALong1
Email - officialfinishalong@gmail.com

What is the Finish-A-Long?

From Rhonda the founder and creator of the FAL:
The Finish-A-Long started back in 2012 as a way for me to keep track of all the stuff I wasn’t getting done. I was just starting my blog (my podcast was on the horizon) and wanted to “play” with my other blogging friends. A few of my blogging friends, as well as myself, knew online shop owners who were just getting started and were willing to be sponsors.

Eight years later, it is this wonderful network of people who all work toward the same goal - to finish a project started prior to the beginning of the current quarter. And the bonus….when you finish a project and follow some simple rules, you are entered in a drawing.

The 2020 Finish-A-Long Schedule and Hashtag List:

Quarter 1
Q1 Lists by Sunday, 1/19/20                  #2020FALQ1List
Q1 Finishes by Wednesday, 4/8/20     #2020FALQ1Finish

Quarter 2
Q2 Lists by Sunday, 4/19/20                  #2020FALQ2List
Q2 Finishes by Wednesday, 7/8/20     #2020FALQ2Finish

Quarter 3
Q3 Lists by Sunday, 7/19/20                  #2020FALQ3List
Q3 Finishes by Wednesday, 10/7/20   #2020FALQ3Finish

Quarter 4
Q4 Lists by Sunday, 10/18/20                #2020FALQ4List
Q4 Finishes by Friday, 1/8/21                #2020FALQ4Finish

How to Play Along:

It's the start of a new decade and with this fresh start it was decided that the Finish-A-Long could use a fresh start too!  This year will be a little different to play along but still super easy. Participants post their lists and finishes (just like last year) but it will be exclusively on Instagram.  Participants must use the hashtags listed above when posting either their one list by the deadline of the quarter or their multiple finishes anytime before the end of the quarter. They need to post finishes individually (just like last year) using the correct Finish Hashtag for the quarter.

The main difference from last year is that there will be no linking up on the hosts blogs but rather everything will be entered via Instagram and the use of the hashtags.  If you don't use the hashtags, you aren't officially playing along.

A participant who wants to play along anytime during this year needs to post on Instagram one list of WIPs (one post with multiple photos or a collage) with the hastag #2020FALQ1List before January 19, 2020.  You can skip the first quarter and play along for quarter 2 if you so desire, just post your Q2 list anytime between April 8, 2020 - April 19, 2020.

During the quarter anytime a participant finishes a project (whether it is 1 week into the quarter or two months into the quarter) they would then post a finished photo of the project on Instagram with the hashtag #2020FALQ1Finish.  They would continue to do this everytime they finish a project during the quarter.

The 2020 Finish-A-Long Rules:

  1. The finishes and lists must be posted in the current quarter and by the current quarter deadline with the correct hashtag (see above).
  2. All qualifying finishes will be put into a prize draw, and the names/numbers drawn at random for each of the prizes donated by our sponsors for that quarter. An entry will count as per post with the correct hashtag; therefore, check your hashtag and create a new post for each finish. 
  3. In order for your projects to be eligible, they must at least be a tangible project at the start of the quarter.  That means, at the very least, a fabric pull matched to a pattern, a quilt top needing to be quilted, or a half knit jumper. I love seeing your bee blocks, but they won't count unless you happen to be turning them all into a fully completed quilt!
  4. A finish is defined as a completely finished project, ie. a quilt, quilted and bound, a bag that's fully lined and functional, or a jumper that one could wear out in public. I'm happy for you if you get a quilt top completed in one quarter, but hold onto it for the next quarter and see if you can get it quilted and bound before entering, please.
  5. You won't be punished if you don't finish your entire list, so feel free to make a big list and roll projects over from one quarter to the next if you need to. However, you must re-post that list. 
  6. Each quarter you may have ONE List post using ONE List hashtag and MULTIPLE Finishes posts using the SAME hashtag. The correct hashtag will always be in the profile @finishalong.
  7. The FAL is open to anyone, anywhere in the world.

Our 2020 Fantastic Sponsors:

Coming Soon!